Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Zweck der Investieren in Immobilien

Passives Einkommen: Der beste Weg, um passives Einkommen zu verstehen ist, Robert Kiyosaki-Brettspiel spielen, "Cash Flow 101". Um zu gewinnen (raus aus dem Hamsterrad), haben Sie Ihre monatlichen passives Einkommen zu erhalten, um Ihre monatlichen Ausgaben übersteigen. Es ist ein echter Eye-Opener. In seinem Spiel, ist der schnellste Weg,

um dies zu erreichen Kauf Geld fließt Mietobjekten. Passives Einkommen ist Einkommen, ohne dass Sie die Arbeit machen, es zu verdienen verdient wird. Mieteinnahmen ist ein großartiger Weg für passives Einkommen.

Click here to visit our for more details

Arbeitseinkommen vrs. Passives Einkommen

Bei der Investition in Immobilien gibt es viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten zur Auswahl. Bei der Entscheidung, welche avenue für Sie am besten ist, ist es wichtig, den Unterschied zwischen Passiv-Einkommen schaffende Alleen und verdient oder Arbeits-Einkommen schaffende Wege zu betrachten. In der Tat, meiner Meinung nach, das Verständnis der Unterschied zwischen passivem Einkommen und Arbeitsbedingungen Einkommen ist eines der wichtigsten Dinge zu beachten, wenn die Investition in Immobilien.

Arbeiten Einkommen: Arbeitseinkommen ist der Kauf eines Hauses, Fixieren, und dann verkaufen sie für einen Gewinn. Oder ein Haus bauen dann verkaufen sie für einen Gewinn. Oder mein Favorit ist der Kauf eines Hauses, hielt es (in der Hoffnung es wird in Wert zu schätzen, während Geld zu verlieren jeden Monat), dann zu verkaufen.

Hi guys check out my passivhaus-kunststofffenster for more details on keyword

Ein Passiv-Solarhaus

Eine lange und flache Haus, das so nah an wahre südlich wie möglich steht, ist ein guter Anfang. Ost-und Westwand wird wenig Exposition gegenüber der Sonne, während im Norden die wenigsten Fenster haben sollte.

In kühleren Klimazonen meisten Ihrer Stromrechnung stellt Heiz-und Kühlkosten. Passive Solarenergie Grundsätze auf die Regulierung Ihres Hauses Innentemperatur durch die Einladung so viel Sonne wie möglich während der Wintermonate, während entmutigend es im Sommer zu drehen.

Come and try our for detailed information on

Passive Solar Heating and Cooling

In jedem Klima, wenn Sie gehen grün denken, ist passive Solarenergie Gestaltung der beste Ort, um zu starten. Erschwingliche passive solare Häuser sind einfach zu konstruieren mit den gleichen Grundmaterialien wie herkömmliche Gehäuse. Alles was es braucht ist ein wenig Nachdenken und einige clevere Manipulation von Sonne und Wind und man kann Tausende von Dollar für Energiekosten zu sparen während der gesamten Lebensdauer Ihres Hauses.

Obwohl viele unserer passive Solar-Home-Design-Tipps einfach sein kann und kostengünstig zu einem bestehenden Hause angewendet die wirksamsten passive Solarenergie Wohnungen sind sorgfältig von Anfang an am besten Vorteil der natürlichen Rhythmus der Sonne zu nehmen geplant.

Click here to visit our for more details  Passivhaus Fenster

Erfahren Passive Solar House Design

Passive Solarhaus Design bietet eine Plattform, die wir aufbauen können, um sicherzustellen, sind wir in einer nachhaltigen Art und Weise in Harmonie mit unserer Umwelt aufbauen. In Ihrem Haus haben Sie Fenster, Wände und Böden, die alle entwickelt, zu sammeln, zu speichern und zu verteilen Sonnenenergie in Form von Wärme im Winter bei gleichzeitiger Begrenzung direkter Sonneneinstrahlung im Sommer werden kann.

Es gibt fünf wichtigsten Aspekte der passiven Solarhaus Design. Jeder führt eine bestimmte Aufgabe, einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz zur Ausgleichsenergie, Abfall und Komfort zu versichern.

Der Stack für passive Solarhaus Design arbeitet auf der Grundlage eines Grundgesetzes, in dem es heißt Wärme bewegt sich aus wärmeren Materialien kühleren, bis es nicht mehr eine Temperaturdifferenz zwischen den beiden Elementen beeinflussen. Architekten, Designer und Hausbesitzer können die Vorteile dieses Prinzips auf die thermischen Gesetze der Wärmeleitung, Konvektion und Strahlung basiert nehmen, Wärmeverteilung im gesamten klimatisierten Raum.

Besuchen Sie unsere Website: für weitere Informationen Passivhaus Fenster

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Replacing Your Old Drafty Wood Windows

In many old houses, the windows still have the old style chassis weights and pulleys and are single glazing component. Not only are these windows type ineffective against heat loss, most are glazed with glazing putty has dried and cracked from age and is most likely missing. Take a good look at your Fenster and check cords weight chassis to see if they are broken too. Missing or badly damaged chassis strings can be dangerous because it makes the window difficult to open and close, and using a prop stick to hold up the window in hot weather, you invite an accident when someone accidentally hit the stick and the window is crashing on little fingers, or worse maybe a neck!

If your investigation shows the windows to be in effect old single-glazed windows style, it's time to replace them with new thermally efficient and much easier to operate the units. Replacement windows come in all shapes and styles of today. Most often seen are the types of white or brown vinyl that they are also the cheapest to buy. Many manufacturers will custom color units for your project. All brands are not the same though. Units have less of a piece of vinyl frames that will allow the extrusion cold outside to pass directly through the frame materials and emit cold inside your house. Inside the frame is about the same temperature as the outside. Brrrrrr. A window will be better called a "thermal break" located about midway through the frame of insulating material that will stop the cold at this point. Much better idea. Types of glass. Again, there are many choices. Insulating glass consisting of two sheets of glass with an inert gas between the two is much better than single-glazed windows any time.

A step up is when the inside of the glass is covered with a so-called "low E" coating. This allows the radiant heat of the sun in the house, but will not let him return. It is a few dollars more but with today's energy costs for heating fuels, it is well worth it. Down side? Most vinyl windows are manufactured only in white or brown colors. Some companies manufacture custom colored vinyl but again these are more money. A second type of replacement window is made with an outer sheath and an interior vinyl exposed wood. This provides an interview outside that you do not have to paint and painted on the inside that allows you to match the color or maybe stain to match the decor of your room. Some companies manufacture these types in both color outside and I saw red, green, blue, but remember windows will be there for very long! You can not change the color of the outside once they are installed. Finally, there are all wood replacement windows available, but all other options, unless you love to paint outside on a ladder, they are not the best choice. An exception would be a historic restoration where the window style matching is essential. Even wood windows come today with thermal break and low emissivity glass. Vinyl replacement windows will suit your existing windows.

Another great benefit for replacing windows is the window inside sashs tilt for easy cleaning. No more hanging out of windows or balancing on ladders. Most windows have two slide-type locks on top of each frame and the frame by simply sliding a few inches and pushing the locks, a slight tug on the top opening, the advice in the room for cleaning. When finished, simply press the chassis back into his path. TIP: When cleaning the windows, pull and tilt the bottom sash inside the first, but clean the top window first and replace it in its frame. This prevents drops of your vacuum cleaner on the bottom window. All vinyl windows I've found so far also have a sofa locking tab on the upper frame on each side to prevent the bottom sash to be lifted more than a few centimeters when the tabs are in the open . Their use is twofold. Windows can be left open a few inches for ventilation without worrying about someone getting outside. Of course, if they really want, they will just break the glass. These tabs are not burglar. The second more important reason for the tabs for me, is that you can leave the window open for ventilation, but small children can not climb out the window and suffer a nasty fall. All windows are also equipped with one or two sash locks for home protection. Depending on the width of your window, the manufacturer decides how many locks the chassis needs for better protection. Finally, many windows also have an adjustment screw that allows you to stiffen the amount of pull the window needs to slide up and down. The window is adjusted at the factory and rarely needs further adjustments.

Windows command-Ok, we decided to replace the windows. With a band notebook, a pen and measure up your order is easy. You will take a minimum of five measurements for each window opening. TIP: Do not assume that two windows are the same size because they resemble. Measure them all! Older windows were built by hand and may vary 1/2-3/4 inch. If your too high, you lost a window, if you're too small, you will need to re-cut the opening and ending up with an unsightly finished product. Ok, you should measure the width of three hours. Once down, once in the. Middle and once at the top you measure the inside of the separation of the wood beads where old rides against the chassis frame. DO NOT measure separate bead to bead to separate. You want your image in new window to drag the old buildings. Hence three measures. This will tell you the narrowest part of your old part and it will be the size you order your window. Example:

Low = 32 1/2 "

Medium = 32 1/4 "

Top = 32 3/8 ".

You order your window to fit a 32 1/4 "to open the window allowing to slip through the opening. The same idea works for height as well. Measure the left side and right side of the opening from the point on the high threshold (where the lower chassis is in the closed position) and the top (where the top cover is in closed position). Take the smallest dimension of the two and which is your number height window openings that you measure whether there are different sizes .. you'll know where they go when you get with all measures in hand, stopping at your store once you've chosen the style, color and price you want The seller will order TIP:. Ask the seller for a delivery date. Try to make him / her to set down on the receipt so you can keep track of the order. Depending on when of the year, the windows can take weeks to arrive. No guarantee a date, but it gives you an idea of ​​when to start checking on them. Check the order very carefully before you order or give a check deposit. Once ordered, they can not be changed. Search quantity, color, size and style. If your existing home has it is called on a six (6 windows with small panes in upper sash, an important part in undercarriage ), you may want to match that style. Windows does not come in 1 on 1, 4 on 1, 4 over 2, 4 of 4, one on one, you get the idea. There are of countless combinations to choose from. I ordered multiple windows for a customer once specified style 2 of 2. windows came with Mutin bar (the part that separates the glass plates) in a horizontal not vertical. I ' had never seen that before, but since I did not say exactly, the company would not resume them. No matter what type you order, make sure your order says this is what you have found. Now sit back and wait for windows.

PREPARATION-Tools required-Measuring tape, pencil, 2 'and 4' levels, if possible, razor blade, a lever or "cats paw", caulking gun, a screwdriver, paper towels and nail. SAFETY GLASSES AND gloves! Materials for Windows, 4.6 and 8 penny nails shiny little wood filler tube, about 2 tubes of high quality exterior caulk in a color that matches your window by window (according to size), small Phillips wood screws, fiberglass insulation bulk.

Remove all interior blinds, shades and curtains and put on the side. Very carefully, using your razor blade, cut along the interior window trim and the wall if necessary and trim along the inside of the window frame. This will help prevent cracking of the wood when you remove it. You will reinstall these versions. Carefully and slowly remove loose fillings look for nail heads hidden (especially common style with a large head) that will crack your fillings if you go out too hard. Most of the time finishing nails simply pass through the lining and you can remove them later. Lay each piece of trim directly on the side of where you removed it. You can not use elsewhere. It will not fit! Delete or remove all nails at this point in time. We do not want a nail wound from a rusty nail protruding. With all versions removed, look in the bottom corner of the frame and you will find a small wooden "door" held in place with screws. The screw may be covered with paint so that you may have to dig a little. The doors are usually 6-8 "high start there. Remove the screw that allows you to force the door and reveal the inside of the window frame. Now lift the bottom sash all the way up. Look inside the door, you should be able to see the end of the weight of the chassis. If not, do not worry, the cord is a little less chassis.

Now, using your bar lever, remove the wood bead separation into the chassis in place. It runs the full height of the opening and look about 1/2 "square. You'll most likely break into a thousand pieces. You're not going to use it again anyway. Once one side is out, the slip of the opening frame. Cling to it! Gently remove the power built into the pocket opening on the top of the belt. The rope can be held in place with a small nail. Just delete it. You can let go cord as the node will stop at the pulley. Place the frame on the side. It is undesirable. Now remove the second bead separation. Again, gently pull the cord belt far enough to cut the knot of the rope . When you let go this time the weight belt will crash to the bottom of the door you opened. reach and remove it. also undesirable. Continue until you have removed the beads separation within (do not remove the two outside as the new window to rest against them as a stop), four doors, four pulleys, etc., leaving you a clean opening. scrape any loose paint or dirt accumulated in the openings. Here where you have to install some of this loose-fill insulation. Stuff the pockets and openings in the frames. The use of expanding foam products is possible, but be very careful. It is the ability to fold or bend the wood when it develops. There are now non-expandable types you can try. The goal is not to leave openings where outside air can seep into your house causing drafts and heat loss!


It is useful if you have help at this time to work out while you work inside. Test fit your window unit. It should slide all the way into the opening, stopping the separation out of beads. If it fits, you have measured correctly! Now after withdrawal of the window, placing a good weather stripping outside to the inside of the beads separation of the two external sides and the top part. This will seal the new window to existing buildings. Make sure the extension vinyl window sits on top of the window before putting it into the opening. It looks like a piece of channel, the same length as the width of the window and is usually dispatched in place. Gently slide the new window into the opening making sure it is a tight fit against the outside stops. Once inside, using your level, make sure the window is level and plumb opening. This is important! If it is out of level or plumb the window will not close or lock properly.

Windows in each side jams, the manufacturer leaves a small window to allow you to insert screws that secure the window in the opening. Use the screws supplied with the window. Be careful when you install the screw that you do not pull on the frame level and square with the screws too tight! Use paper towels to remove any caulk that squeezed beads separation outside. You do not want to caulk all of you. Have a garbage bag handy for used towels. Check the window. See how it looks. Is it right, level and plumb? Use the belt to ensure they slide easily up and down, lock and advanced as they should. Some windows have screw next to the amount that you can add a little pressure against the guillotine to "tighten" the place. Do it slowly. You will also receive four small plastic door to go over the holes for mounting screws. It is always a bear to install, but put them in. This makes cleaning opening and care for little hands. Then we will finish outside. Window in your kit, you also received a metal trim about 3/4 x 3/4 "angle that matches the color of the window. This piece will close the opening between the window and the threshold. Remember sure there is no cord separation here. Fill the space with some loose insulation and place the corner in the opening by sliding it under the window. I saw them installed or angle outside and it's really all looks best and suits the best threshold. Screw up on the corner of the window and the edge with 4-6 screws. Caulk the angle perfectly to ensure water Rain can enter. Now drag up Top Channel extension until it is firmly in contact with the pad outside the home. Screw it to the window frame on each side. Again once completely seal the channel to ensure no rain, projects or critters can enter. The exterior is made.

The interior trim is a little more work. Make sure all the nails were removed. From the head piece inner top, place the filling opening and see if it fits yet. In most cases, the window vinyl is deeper than the original windows making the plate now too wide. Carefully mark and cut the trim to the correct width to ensure that, when the face or seal housing is installed, it provides a snug fit. The edge of the window that comes after the other two sides. Now, the housing parts can be reinstalled. These should fit exactly where they came out without cutting. If you're careful, you will have a clear opening just finished with the nail holes with putty and touch up paint. Once again the window handle to make sure nothing has changed during trimming and if it works well, go to the next window! There are many types of accessory vinyl windows available today that can be ordered to fit an existing opening. For example, a unit of Mini-greenhouse that can be ordered to fit the opening of your existing window AC provide an ideal place to raise herbs in the winter time .

Know About Kunststofffenster-Boxen

Die Boxen sind im Wesentlichen an der Wand unter dem  passivhaus fenster befestigt mit Hilfe eines Tragrahmens oder Klammern. Mit der städtischen Nachfrage in diesen Boxen, die jetzt nur als Dekoration wachsenden beschrieben werden können, sind sie in allen Arten von Designs und Materialien verfügbar, um eine Personen passen muss und auch mit dem Dekor der Rest des Hauses passen und kommen in vielen verschiedenen Formen und Größen.

Kunststoff-Fenster für Greenhouse

Solar-Rollläden sind eine Art von  kunststofffenster Behandlung. Sie sind meist an der Außenseite Fenster gestellt und geben Ihnen eine klare Sicht von außen. Solar-Rollos wie der Name schon andeutet sollen das Sonnenlicht, das den Raum betritt steuern. Solar-Fenster Farbtöne sind hilfreich sowohl im Sommer-und Wintersaison. Im Sommer halten sie die Wärme aus dem Raum und im Winter halten sie die warme Luft innerhalb des Raumes, indem die kalte Luft. Solar-Rollläden sind wirtschaftlich und in der Regel leicht. Solar Control Kunststoff-Fenster Filme sind auch auf dem Markt, zu absorbieren Wärme und Licht sind vorhanden.

Kunststoff-Jalousien sind eine andere Art von  passivhaus Behandlung. Es besteht aus PVC-Kunststoff gefertigt und wird in vielen Designs. Der Hauptvorteil dieser Jalousien ist, dass sie in jedem Raum, Küche oder Bad genutzt werden kann. Überall, wo Sie höhere Menge an Feuchtigkeit haben, sind diese Jalousien eine große Hilfe. Sie haben meist horizontalen Lamellen, die Sie öffnen und schließen kann nach Belieben

Tipps für Kunststoff-Fensterprofile Behandlungen

Ein Fenster wird als Behandlung der Platzierung jedes Ambiente ein Element auf Fenster betrachtet. Fenster-Behandlungen bezieht sich auf viele Dinge wie Jalousien, draperys, Vorhänge, Stoffe usw. schiere Hier in diesem Artikel werden wir über Fenster blind studieren werden. Rollo ist eine Art der Behandlung, bei dem bestimmte Arten von Beschichtungen verwendet werden, um auf Windows gesetzt werden. Hier werden wir auf Kunststoff-Fenster Behandlung zu besprechen - eine bestimmte Art von Fenster Abdeckung.

Ein  fenster preise Behandlung ist eine Art Hülle, die ist kostengünstig, nützliche und frei von gesundheitsschädlichen Chemikalien. Vor dem Kauf von Kunststoff-Fenster Behandlungen stellen sicher, dass es enthält keine schädlichen Chemikalien (wie Blei), die gefährlich aus hygienischer Sicht sind.